Monday, January 26, 2009


Boxers come in many shades of colors as you can see here and are some of the best dogs to own!

The history of the Boxer as a unique breed begins late in the last century in the area of Munich, Germany. The Germans did not begin to breed dogs seriously and scientifically until that time, although various types of dogs had existed in Germany---as in England and the Continent---from time immemorial. According to Denlinger, "As far back as the time of the ancient Assyrians, more than 2000 B.C., a strain of dogs with powerful build, heavy head and great courage was bred and used in war. Centuries later the name of Molossian was given to dogs of this type, named from the city of Molossis in Epirus, in what is today Albania." These dogs spread across the continent and became the ancestors to the German Bullenbeisser. In England, selective breeding produced a taller, stronger dog than the original Molossis and this formed the foundation of the modern Mastiff. Later, the English crossed their Mastiff with fast running hounds to produce the Englische Dogge, or Great Dane, the German national dog. However, the Germans continued to use the Bullenbeisser as a hunting dog.

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